Subject: [xname-availability] large DDoS on XName causing DNS servers to be off
From: Yann Hirou
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 11:33:36 +0200

Since yesterday evening (8 PM), XName is facing the largest Distributed 
Denial of Service (DDoS) it ever had to deal with.

A "small" one occured 24 hours before, causing xname servers to be off 
during less than 2 hours.

We're working hard to find solutions, but our upstream providers had to 
blacklist our IP addresses on their core network in order to preserve 
their other customers - thanx to them for their help on finding 
solutions ( and

We're doing our best to have at least one DNS server up and running 
shortly, if the DDoS stops.

Besides, we're setting up a partnership with a high quality transit 
provider, in order to be much less affected in case of DDoS in the 
future - we should be able to move a DNS server there in few days.


-- Yann Hirou XName Team [ to be removed from this list, send an empty email to ] [ ]