FreeBSD Ports conflicts checker for 'Gabor@Zahemszky.HU'

Hop to: Short listing by maintainer | Only conflicting files | Full relationship list (verbose) [REPORT] matching for 'Gabor@Zahemszky.HU'

Matching for maintainer 'Gabor@Zahemszky.HU'

PortMissing conflictsExisting conflictsMaintainer

Matching for only files 'Gabor@Zahemszky.HU'

PortShared file nameMaintainerTime*
* - new value added to db, not present in all reports

Matching for full list 'Gabor@Zahemszky.HU'

PortMissing conflictsExisting conflictsShared file nameMaintainerTime*
* - new value added to db, not present in all reports Created @ Tue Jun 5 03:26:17 EEST 2012